Monday, May 3, 2010

ok i went to see this dr. doug nichols today, oddly enough when i called this morning, he had a cancellation and could see at 11.... well i was in his office for about and hour and a half! he was so amazing, he worked right through his lunch with i tried to sum up the last 20 yrs in 20 minutes he started to ask questions which would seem unrelated to a neurological disorder,
"do you have painful period's, how much water do you drink, do you have regular bowel movements?" i am so beyond grateful to have found a dr. who can see the whole picture! it is like a miracle! i guess it is a miracle.....he had explanations why some drugs have worked for me when others have sent me into a tail spin. "how many kids did you have and how close together are they? did you breast feed and for how long, which things corresponded with the onset or worsening of seizure activity?"
he came up with a plan, which he wants to implement in stages, so that i can keep journaling to keep track how each thing effects me. i am to stay at the level of lamictal i am at while he helps me work to replenish the oils and minerals in my brain which are necessary for healthy brain activity.....
he gave me a b shot today, to help with stress, sent me home with a fish oil concentrate, and manganese drops, he said to continue with the milled flax seed but that i need to bump it up to 1/4 everyday.....
i am so happy to have someone on my team! the future looks bright!......

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