Tuesday, July 13, 2010

i am about to share some girlie girl information, so if you don't want tmi girl info stop reading now.... when i gave birth to star in 04,.... well both before then and after....there were complications and i had to have some unwanted, live saving, life long damage causing, procedures done,... so long story short because of damage, my girl time of the month was going longer than the usual 3 to 4 days, then it started lasting longer... then longer, then it was lasting longer then the rest of the month put together... so last year i had a procedure done called "thermal ablation" which i won't go into to many gross girl details but because of swirling boiling hot water, my uterus no longer prepares itself for a baby and it no longer gets rid of those preparatory materials.
but sometimes my body forgets we are not doing that anymore and still has cramps and i still get randomly cranky..... it is so weird when that happens i have to remember that my ovaries and my body chemistry is still going on the old game plan..... (message to self- WE ARE NOT HAVING PERIODS ANYMORE!) i am finding a midol!


  1. Oh the connections of friendship my dear Sarah. I went through 6 miscarriages and a surgery. Got to the point where I was bleeding for 28 days a month. 2 years of anemia and so forth ended in a hysterectomy 1 1/2 years ago. I still have my ovaries so I cannot escape the Midol moments. I'm glad you got Star out of it.

  2. oh my heck! that is a connection no person would wish for! ): i am lucky to have had star... that is funny to see those two words in a sentence together.... she is my lucky star i guess! days like today it is good to remember she is a blessing, but yay for baby bedtime! (:
