Friday, December 3, 2010

ok i have tried to keep the lunatics mostly about my meds but i have to share the worst day ever! yes i know what you are thinking.... yes seriously the worse ever...
we were at the pharmacy haggling with the pharmacist about whether or not my insurance was going to cover some penicillin and an amazingly kind soul paid for our meds... in front of a store full of people... seriously i just didn't have money with me... i really could have handled it...i can't believe i didn't hit the floor... i thought i was going to seize up!!!
weird, he is probably somewhere feeling pretty good about himself... me? i am the biggest loser! why is it so much harder to receive than to give?! ouch!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know but it is a problem for me as well. Listen, just pay it forward tenfold and perphaps the feeling will show you that when you allow others to give to you, you are giving them a gift as well - that feeling of helping someone. Now, paying forward doesn't have to be anything about money, but I'm sure you know that. Like your "falling snow" on the blog - cute.
