Wednesday, January 6, 2010

today is a new day, well not so new.... i woke up with the headache from hell! i got star to school and took two fioricet, so it is hidden for the moment. it's 10:00am and i think i will force myself to take a minute and "talk about" acceptance! well first let me say how much i love therapy! i love going to professional councelers and dumping my inner most thoughts and feelings! i have always been OBSESSED with why!? i have a desire to understand why people act and say the things they do, and i am crazy to understand why i act and say the things i do! i so desperately strive to know how to "act" as opposed to "react"
a week ago yesterday my son colten ran from the drug rehab center where he has been locked up for over 90 days. enough about him lets talk about me (: i really feel that he had been given a really priceless opportunity to find out about himself. but as i have learned, no one wants to look at themselves!!!.... busy now, more later....
let me talk about what happend when i was writing befor, my bff called to say that a gal we knew growing up was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer and was given one month to live. that was kind of a blow to my friend, rayna is her name, this friend of ours, jean is her name, is married to rayna's first cousin. the four of us grew up with two blocks of each other, rayna herself has had and beat cancer twice, she had cervical cancer in '98 and thyroid cancer in '07. so we talked about jean and kinda was able to catagorize the reality and let it go for now.... so 2hrs later rayna called back and said she had just left her dr. who had found a spot on her last mamogram and wants to do a byopsy right away!

so obviously that was the last thing either of us wanted to hear right then! neither of us knew how to catigorize that and i spent most of the afternoon calling her back to check on her and make lame jokes about the situation.
the one good thing is that my headache seems to be gone for now and i felt ok all day. i took my second dose 75mg at 5pm and will take another befor i go to bed.
Heavenly Father, please bless us all tonight! please send angels to surround and protect us all!

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