Tuesday, November 23, 2010

i realize i have been pretty tight lipped about what is going on here... my hell! how to cope? i have taken myself off my fiorecet completely and am only taking the xanax very randomly....?! sticking to 50 mg morning and night of lamictal.... i didn't make it to al anon last thursday and no meeting on thanksgiving.... i can feel myself bracing against this wind... when will the wind stop blowing like this?
it seems like the wind is always blowing..... it is howling outside... i can hear it!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving right back to you all.
    My mother used to get epileptic fits and the strange thing is that our dog knew a good 10 minutes that there was an episode coming on.
    This would help us greatly in taking tea from her hand and making sure she would not hurt herself if she fell over.
    Julius Caesar was said to have it.

    Take care of yourselves.

  2. thanks john, we did have a nice thanksgiving day!
    thanks to for sharing about you mother... i think unless you have epileptic fits or have known someone who does, you don't really understand the huge "what if" or worse when if... having a dog helps.... i am currently without a canine helper right now... hey maybe for Christmas...! (;
