Tuesday, August 3, 2010

i wanted to get down a few thoughts before they are gone from my mind forever....... i had to sit down yesterday and answer a thousand questions about how often i have seizures, what meds i take how often i take them, what they do to me and on and on and on until my predominate thought was death and i couldn't stop it!
i cried and sobbed and felt sorry for myself, i felt angry and alone and finally rage! i attached myself to the rage and hung on to it all day..... finally when i was done and got everything in the mail, i stopped at the pharmacy for a refill and a really hot muscle bound tattooed guy hit on me for 20 minutes till my prescription was ready and then watched me go to my car. 1o yrs ago i would have been tempted, but i have sworn off testosterone saturated men! i am waiting for my dentist! i am done with adrenaline junkies and i am addicted to getting my teeth cleaned! FOCUS FOCUS! i am determined to stay focused, but still it was flattering and made my day better...... ! (:


  1. Of course it was flattering and why wouldn't a hot guy want to talk to you - you're beautiful. I waited for the computer guy and it's worth it Sarah. He is the yummiest most wonderful person on the planet. Been together for over 14 years and I still get butterflies when he walks in the room. I was happy with myself and my life before he got here but I've never known such love, laughter and joy as I do with my computer guy. I adore him.
    I think you might have a bit more road to walk alone first but it's coming, it is.

  2. thanks for the visit to my blog and your kind words, I appreciate it....
    It sounds like a rough day, but you still have your sense of humor! hang in there girl......
