Sunday, December 12, 2010

sometimes i just get tired of talking about it... but i guess that is what journaling is all about? getting it out?! well first the good news i started work saturday it was good to come home with money in my pocket...
now the bad news... we had our health insurance canceled because of my sons income... yes that is right my son at the age of 16 makes too much money for us to qualify for low income health benefits... the taxes filed for his social security number in a town 5 hrs from here put us over the income limit...
how does a 16 yr old boy who is a full time student with no car work make that much money in a city 5 hrs away you may ask? yeah that is what i asked.... "well obviously someone is using his social security number illegally, so go home and call these credit agencies... file a police report... and call the number of the place where the number is being used...." "so you are telling me there is nothing you can do?!" "that's right... go home... "
the police told us the same thing.... go home and good luck...
anyone who thinks illegals are not ruining our country just hasn't had their turn to wake up yet...


  1. Oh Sarah, I am so very sorry this has happened. What a nightmare. Will pray for it to get resolved, I'm going to try and not let it anger me, just hope for a resolution (hard though, hard).

  2. jeanette thank you so much for your kind words and prayers... i do have hope and believe that it will all get worked out... praying here too! thx again!
