Saturday, March 20, 2010

ok it was not a cold, it is allergies! so bad all i can do is want to kill myself! my head itches, my face itches, i can't stop sneezing, my nose won't stop running! ahhhhhhhhh! i am violently angry i am so frustrated! i have been trying to pack all day. we are gonna leave in the morning to go to st. george for spring break. i made star two night gowns today for her vacation! she is so very excited and all i want to do it die!
i have taken 50 mg am and 75mg pm every night this week, i have a bite on the inside of my cheek, i think i had some kind of a seizure at some point in the last 24 hrs........

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah, maybe heading to the beach will help with the allergies!! I am hoping it does. Sounds like you have had several crappy weeks.
    I do hope this will be a fun and relaxing time for you.

    That is a whopper of a black eye Star has. I remember a time when my son was at baseball practice - it was evening so the lights in the field were on. He looked up to catch the ball and unfortunately could not see very well and the ball landed in his eye!!! He was lucky, but had quite the shiner!

