Saturday, June 26, 2010

well the lemon water has worked wonders! it goes along with my theory that God has given us every thing we need on this earth to heal ourselves if we just look. well it may sound like i am having complete thought processes, but i am feeling a little flaky lately! i had sorta like a really weird week and i have having to focus on not missing too many pills. i am having that cleansing too fast feeling. i don't know how to describe it..... just some really weird thoughts.....for instance it occurred to me that i am clairvoyant, as in able to read others thoughts but i think the problem is i don't share a common language with very many people.... is that crazy enuf for ya'? trying to stick to 50/50 at least three days a week... i maybe getting a little scary around here! (: am feeling some what manic, will be cleaning the carpets this week.....!

1 comment:

  1. John here.
    I hope its manic up rather than manic down.
    Very Gothic background.
